Types and quantity of scientific and technological activities applied to staff are clearly stated in the Regulation on management of Science - Technology activities; specifying the number of seminars, international journal articles, domestic journal articles, technical guidance and consulting on science and technology transfer to the community,... The above requirements also apply specifically to lecturers who are Masters holders, PhD holders, Principal Lecturer , Associate Professor and Professor. On a monthly basis, lecturers themselves update the results of scientific and technological activities. Department of Scientific Management and International Cooperation monitors and manages the database of the results of scientific and technological activities. Due to the motivation through the mechanism of encouragement and reward for science and technology achievements of the faculty and the university, the performance of lecturers has clearly improved every year.
The faculty and supports staff and students to participate in scientific research, publish research results in specialized scientific journals at home and abroad. Especially young staff and students in the 1st and 2nd years. Students can participate in research projects with the lecturers or form a research group with their classmates to carry out the research projects under the guidance of a lecturer. Students can suggest their own research ideas, and lecturers will support the orientation and implementation of those ideas. The scientific research results of foreign lecturers are published in prestigious domestic and conferences and scientific journals and integrated in lectures to update information for teaching and learning activities.

Lecturers transfer all research results into course teaching and student learning and research activities. Students are also facilitated by the faculty to exchange experiences, introduce research results through clubs, student scientific seminars,… Students can participate in teaching scientific research ideas right from year 1. The lecturers will support research orientation, equipment, and introduce students to practice at the institutes, enterprises,... Every year, the university has funds to support students' scientific research projects. In addition, the faculty also supports the projects implemented at the faculty level. In addition, students can participate in the implementation of scientific research topics and projects of lecturers in the faculty and in the university.
To encourage, motivate and provide opportunities for students to participate in scientific research. Every year, the faculty and the university organize student scientific research seminars to select research ideas, implement topics with good results and send them to the university-level Science Research Student Conference and quality conferences,...